Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rotzy Version 1.2

Version 1.2 of our iPhone App is now available on the App Store! Updates include:

- Maps on the iPhone. For photos where location information is available, you can now see a map right from the iPhone. Just click the green [map] link in the photo details.

- Edit photo details. Photo captions and privacy settings can now be changed from the iPhone. Tap the action button on the top-right of a photo page to bring up the options.

- Twitter support. Rotzy can now auto-post to twitter whenever you upload a photo. Just add your credentials to the settings page, and turn on 'Post to Twitter'. That's it!

Other changes in this update include the ability to toggle between recent and popular feeds under 'Public Feeds', and miscellaneous fixes that will hopefully reduce crashes and increase overall performance.

Download the update now and take advantage of the new functionality!

The Rotzy Team

Friday, October 3, 2008

Public and Popular Feeds, Removing Photos

Hi everyone! We just rolled out a few features on the web... partly in response to today's iPhone Version 1.1 release, and also to add some long overdue functionality:

- Rotzy on the web now has dedicated personal and public feeds, just like the iPhone app. Furthermore, we've added a "popular" version of the public feed, so you catch up with the top photos of the day.

- Users can now delete their photos via the web! Just drop down the "Edit Photo" box, and find the delete link all the way at the bottom (screenshot). Make sure you're certain about this, since this action cannot be undone.

That's all for now!

Good night,
The Rotzy Team

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rotzy Version 1.1

Version 1.1 of our iPhone App is now available on the App Store! Updates include:

- Separate personal and public feeds. Personal feeds show you information directly relevant to you, while public feeds show you a steady stream of everyone's photos.

- Choice of geo-tagging on upload. Going to 'Settings' back and forth each time you want to adjust your location settings can be a real pain. Now you can set your geo-tagging preference right before you upload.

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and optimizations.

To make room for the dedicated public feed, we've moved 'Me' into 'People'. You can now see your own photos by finding yourself among the rest of your contacts!

We hope everyone enjoys the update. Sit tight, because there's more coming!

As always, we'd love to hear about any feedback or comments you might have.

The Rotzy Team

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Deleting comments

Yesterday evening we rolled out the ability for users to remove unwanted comments on the web. The purpose and use of this is two-fold:

- Every now and then you get ill-willed users spamming or otherwise polluting the comments area of photos that you've uploaded. As the photo uploader, you can now remove any comments made on your photos.

- Other times, carpal tunnel kicks in and you make a typo in one of your comments. An easy way out is to retype the comment and post again, but this leads to unnecessary clutter. As the commenter, you can now remove any comments that you've made.

When looking to remove a comment, just look for the red x (screenshot). As expected, all feed items related to that comment will be removed. And that's all there is to it!

The Rotzy Team